2017 Holiday Party
by atlantaoperaguild@gmail.com on December 10, 2017

On December 10, 2017, The Opera Guild for Atlanta held its annual Holiday Party. Guild members enjoyed delicious food, warm fellowship, and superb entertainment.
Samuel Ferreira, baritone, winner of the Tommy Trotter Memorial Scholarship at the First Annual Scholarship Competition (April 2017), provided the entertainment.
Samuel Ferreira, baritone with pianist David D’Ambrosio, pictured above.
Samuel and Thais Cabral, soprano, pictured above singing the duet “La ci darem la mano” from Mozart’s Don Giovanni.
The Opera Guild for Atlanta President W. Dwight Coleman presents the annual Service Appreciation Award to Sarah Ellena Hogrefe for her work leading the Focus Committee planning the Scholarship Competition.
Guild members enjoying the festive Holiday Party pictured above.
Scenes of fellowship at the Holiday party continue.
The Opera Guild for Atlanta thanks members John and Dorothy Hancock for hosting our 2017 Holiday Party!
It is such a pleasure to find this beautiful moment with you!
I just would like to mention that the soprano performing La Ci Darem La Mano with me is Thais Cabral.
Thank you so much for all your support in my career.
See you soon!
Samuel Ferreira